Spousal Support
Spousal support, also called alimony, is often a very important issue for both parties during a divorce. It is not only difficult to go through a divorce because of the emotional toll it takes on oneself and the entire family but also the financial difficulties that occur. During these times, marriage partners find it difficult to understand why they have to pay support to their former spouse or why their former spouse is not required to support them when they have gainful employment.
Many factors affect spousal support, which makes it difficult to understand for most individuals. Henrik is very understanding of these difficulties and makes every effort to explain the intricacy’s of spousal support and advocate for the client’s best interests.
Whether or not spousal support is awarded is a complex issue and involves numerous factors, including:
- Each spouse’s respective income
- The earning capacity of the dependent spouse
- The dependent spouse’s prior education and employment ability
- The ability of the independent spouse to pay support
- The established way of living throughout the marriage
- The assets and separate property of each spouse
- The age of each spouse
- The health of each spouse, and
- Any abuse that occurred throughout the marriage (domestic violence)
During a divorce, both temporary and/or long-term support may be awarded. Whether you are the supporting spouse or the supported spouse, the Court’s decisions can have a big impact on your life and your future. That is why it is important to have Amy navigate you through the legal guidelines, ambiguities, unique circumstances, and individual concerns before a judicial determination.