
When unmarried couples conceive a child, either parent may bring a petition to establish the parentage of the child (this is known as a paternity action). A paternity action is determines who is the father of a minor child, what will be the child custody and visitation schedule and what child support will be set at.

Many disputes arise during a paternity action including custodial time with the minor child, genetic testing and child support issues. It is important to consult an experienced and aggressive attorney to deal with these important matters. Amy has handled numerous paternity actions and can provide you with aggressive representation to meet your goals regarding child custody and visitation, child support and parentage. Rest assured, Amy always put the needs of his clients and the minor children first. If you are seeking to obtain custody and visitation of your child or if you need to establish child support or terminate support you are paying for a child you believe not to be yours, please contact our office